14 November 2024
Every year, thousands of Australian women are made homeless while escaping domestic and family violence. That’s why yourtown’s domestic and family violence services exist: to make sure women and their families have a safe and supported home in their most vulnerable time.
When Mia* and her two young daughters, Sophie and Kara, first arrived at yourtown’s domestic violence refuge, they were greeted by kangaroos and the distant cackling of kookaburras. Rolling farmland surrounded them — their own home, where they could feel safe for the first time.
For the last twelve months since Sophie was born, Mia had been running from one shelter to another. Sophie and Kara’s father was violent and threatened to abduct the children. He stole Mia’s wallet, stripped her of her identity and belongings, and installed a tracking app on her phone.
Terrified for their lives, Mia fled to her parents’ house. But this was no refuge. It was the same household where Mia had experienced domestic violence since she was three years old.
That’s when Mia was introduced to yourtown.
*Name and image changed for privacy
Mia, Sophie, and Kara are just one of the seven families that might be seeking emergency accommodation at yourtown’s domestic and family violence refuge at one time.
In 2023/24, yourtown’s domestic and family violence refuge supported 20 women and 33 children to access safe crisis accommodation.
With International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women quickly approaching, it is important to recognise that domestic and family violence endangers women and children every day.
Your Prize Home tickets have the power to help change this.
Mia was referred to yourtown’s refuge by a local domestic violence service. She arrived at the refuge with limited belongings and only one bottle to feed her baby.
That changed immediately. When Mia opened the door of their home, she found pyjamas, dressing gowns, and hygiene bags waiting for them. The pantry was packed to the brim with enough food to last all week.
“When we arrived, my children and I ate three bowls of food each and slept 10 hours.
I woke up and felt safe for the first time since leaving him.”
— yourtown domestic and family violence refuge resident
For twelve weeks, Mia was supported at the refuge with onsite trauma therapy, a gym, and parent-child bonding care. She was given choice and personal authority over what she did and when. And when she was ready, yourtown staff supported her to transition back into the community.
2024 marks 20 years that yourtown’s domestic and family violence refuge has been providing a safe and confidential haven for women and children who leave violent relationships. The refuge is 100% funded by Art Union supporters, just like you.
But that’s not the only way your ticket is helping to protect women, children, and young families.
A home can be many things, and yourtown’s San Miguel and transitional housing services are two other domestic and family violence services that your tickets help fund.
San Miguel offers safe housing for young parents aged up to 25 (including pregnant women and single fathers) and their children. Of these young parents, almost all have a lived experience of domestic and family violence.
When families are ready to leave one of our refuges, they may move into yourtown’s transitional housing. Here, yourtown can continue to support families with legal and financial matters, and help them to join the community again through employment and schooling.
For just $15, you could not only change your own life, but someone else’s. Each ticket you buy helps fund essential services like domestic and family violence refuges, San Miguel, transitional housing, and Kids Helpline.
Your donation is making a huge difference when it comes to protecting children and young women from violence and abuse. When you take a chance at winning a life changing state-of-the-art prize home, you are supporting someone in need to find their own safe home too.